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Showing posts from April, 2020

KTLRL020: John Locke Part 3

The final installment of a look at John Locke proves Matt is as crazy as ever, while Leslie can't wait for Thanksgiving so she can get away from him and his "theories" (more like speculations - not actual theories). In the Giacchino Moment, Matt tests an actual theory submitted by Top 6 in 6 podcaster Scotty Six (starts at 47:40). This episode was first released on November 25, 2009. Find all of the re-released episodes (to date) at mp3

KTLRL019: John Locke Part 2

No Giacchino moment this week, but that doesn't stop Matt's crazy, while Leslie continues to smile and nod at his craziness. This episode was originally released on November 19, 2009. Find all of the re-released episodes (to date) at mp3

KTLRL018: John Locke Part 1

No Giacchino moment in the episode, but Matt makes up for it by polarizing everyone on the LOST spectrum with crazy talk, while Leslie shakes her head in shame as they begin their 3 part series on John Locke. This episode was originally the 25th episode of the podcast, and first released on November 12th of 2009. Find all of the back episodes released to date at mp3

KTLRL017: Kate Austen Part 2

No Giacchino moment this time, but Leslie tries to keep Matt sane in the second part of their look at Kate Austen. Naturally....she fails. This episode was first released on November 4th of 2009. Find all of the back episodes released to date at mp3

KTLRL016: Kate Austen Part 1

Matt talks crazy as usual, and Leslie reasons it out as they present part one of their analysis of Kate Austen. Find Matt's Giacchino moment at the 1:19:03 mark. This episode was first released on October 29th of 2009. Find all of the back episodes released to date at mp3

KTLRL015: Jack Shephard Part 2

Matt and Leslie give you part 2 of their look at Jack Shephard. No Giacchino moment in this podcast episode, just a lot of crazy talk from Matt! This episode was first released October 21, 2009. Find all of the back episodes released to date at mp3

KTLRL014: Jack Shephard Part 1

In this episode Leslie and Matt begin their character analysis series, starting with Jack Shephard (part 1). Matt's Giacchino moment can be found at the 36:16 mark. This episode was originally released on October 14, 2009. Find all of the back episodes released to date at mp3

KTLRL009: Confidence Man

Matt and Leslie look at the episode "Confidence Man", where Matt's thoughts are sure to be as painful as shoving bamboo up your fingernails! The Giacchino moment (found at 1:30:07) looks at a theme for Sawyer, and a motif/theme for Jack. This episode was first released on August 8th, 2009. mp3