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Showing posts from May, 2020

KTLRL052: LOST 613 "The Last Recruit"

Leslie and Matt discuss S6E13 "The Last Recruit" . Matt's Giacchino Moment (found at the 41:23 mark) explores old and music presented in the episode. This episode was originally the 57th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on April 22nd of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at . mp3

KTLRL051: LOST 612 "Everybody Loves Hugo"

Leslie is back! She and Matt discuss S6E12 "Everybody Loves Hugo" (almost as much as Everybody Loves that Leslie is back). Matt's Giacchino Moment (found at the 34:16 mark) time travels back one week to discuss the music of S6E11 "Happily Ever After". This episode was originally the 56th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on April 16th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL049: LOST 611 "Happily Ever After" Feedback

Leslie is gone to Denver today so Matt goes over the feedback for S6E11 "Happily Ever After". This episode was originally the 54th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on April 8th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL046: LOST 610 "The Package"

Leslie is back! Her and Matt talk about S6E10 "The Package". Matt's Giacchino Moment (found at the 41:25 mark) covers Sun/Jin music. This episode was originally the 53rd episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on April 2nd of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at  mp3

KTLRL047: LOST Feedback

Matt catches up the feedback from listeners. This episode was originally the 52nd episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 29th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL046: LOST 609 "Ab Aeterno" w Jed Findlay from LOSTIES with Jed and Cara

Matt is joined by his arch nemesis (i.e. best friend) in LOST, Jed Findlay from LOSTIES with Jed and Cara to talk LOST S6E09 "Ab Aeterno". Matt's Giacchino Moment (found at the 42:48 mark) covers "themeage" for Richard! This episode was originally the 51st episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 26th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL045: Amy Aohora's LOST Answers

Matt is rude and whinny, but Amy Aohora's LOST answers are better than his. This episode was originally the 50th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 24th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL044: LOST 608 "Recon"

Leslie continues to tolerate Matt's whining all the way to the end as they discuss LOST S6E08 "Recon". The Giacchino Moment (found at the 45:17 mark) covers musical harkenings of Sawyer. This episode was originally the 49th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 19th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at  mp3

KTLRL043: LOST 608 "Recon" Initial Reaction

Donald, Heath, and Matt discuss the episode "Recon" with guests for the Reaction Roundtable. This episode was originally the 48th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 17th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at   mp3

KTLRL042: LOST 607 "Dr. Linus"

Matt and Leslie talk LOST S6E07 "Dr. Linus". The Giacchino Moment found at the 47:08 mark. This episode was originally the 47th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 12th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL041: Giacchino Moment Flashbacks 04

Here's another collection of Giacchino Moments (everything regarding Season 6 of LOST so far), just in case the only crazy talk you want to hear from Matt is about music. This episode was originally the 46th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 8th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL040: LOST 606 "Sundown"

Matt and Leslie discuss LOST S6E06 "Sundown". The Giacchino Moment (found at the 38:00 minute mark) covers music from the Temple. This episode was originally the 45th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on March 4th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at  mp3

KTLRL039: LOST 605 "Lighthouse"

Matt and Leslie talk S6E05 "Lighthouse", and Matt's Giacchino Moment (found at the 44:15 mark) looks at the Jacob theme, and the way Giacchino put many themes to at "The Lighthouse". This episode was originally the 44th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on February 26th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL038: Giacchino Moment Flashbacks 03

In case you are only interested in the Giacchino Moments Matt produces, this special episode is a collection of the Moments done for the character analysis episodes, all in one place. This episode was originally the 43rd episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on February 22nd of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL037: LOST 604 "The Substitute"

Leslie continues to endure Matt's crazy talk as they discuss LOST S6E04 "The Substitute". The Giacchino Moment (found at the 40:26 mark) covers Locke themes and how they all tie in together. This episode was originally the 42nd episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on February 18th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL036: LOST 604 "The Substitute" Initial Reaction

Donald (@donaldjr), Heath (@HeathActor), and Matt (@musicalconcepts) are joined by fellow fans to discuss their initial reactions to LOST S6E04 "The Substitute". This episode was originally the 41st episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on February 17th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL035: LOST 603 "What Kate Does"

What MATT does is talk crazy. What LESLIE does is tolerate Matt. What MATT AND LESLIE do is discuss LOST S06E03 "What Kate Does". In the Giacchino Moment (found at the 1:23:22 mark) Matt looks at musical theme connections. This episode was originally the 40th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on February 11th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL034: LOST 601-02 "LA X"

Matt and Leslie are crazy about the 2 hour Season 6 premiere 601-602 "LA X" (well this is nothing new for Matt, he's just crazy period)! Matt's Giacchino Moment (found at 59:00 mark) focuses on some new music and MIB. This episode was originally the 39th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on February 2nd of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL033: Final Pre-Season 6 Talkshoe

Matt and Leslie are just a week away from Season 6 and they have a celebration with many friends on Talkshoe. A Giacchino Moment is offered as well (at the 08:49 mark) with some Musical Predictions for Season 6. This episode was originally the 38th episode (some episodes have been LOST along the way), and was released on January 27th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL032: Season 6 Prep

Dive deep into Matt's crazy as he and Lelsie prepare for Season 6! This episode was orginally the 37th episode (some have been LOST along the way) and was released on January 19th of 2010. Find all of the back episodes released (so far) at mp3

KTLRL031: Hugo "Hurley" Reyes Part 2

Matt and Leslie wrap up their Hurley talk and Leslie's husband Alexis stops by for the Santi Section. This episode was actually the 36th episode of the podcast (we've LOST a few along the way here) and it was first released on January 12th of 2010. Find all back episodes released (to date) at mp3

KTLRL030: Hugo "Hurley" Reyes Part 1

Matt and Leslie LOVE Hugo (so does everybody right?), as they begin their two part series on Hurley! Matt's "Giacchino Moment" for Hugo can be found at the 01:28:01 mark. This episode was first released on January 6th of 2010. Find all back episodes released (to date) at mp3

KTLRL029: Ben Linus Part 2

Leslie is still mad at Matt for making her talk about Ben Linus in part 2 of their series on him (she will also be angry that Matt had to cut most of her Santi Section choice of music - Led Zeppelin - due to copyright restrictions). Matt is oblivious to reason as usual. This episode was first released on December 28th of 2009. Find all back episodes released (to date) at mp3

KTLRL028: LOST Rockin' Moments

Download this podcast quick before Matt has to observe a cease and desist order that is sure to come from all of the artists featured in this podcast (Matt's BMI agreement with these artist performances for this podcast expired a while back)! Special thanks to Donald is LOST (@donaldjr on twitter) for suffering Matt's terrible writing, but executing Tom (Santa) Friendly flawlessly! And thanks to all the listeners/podcasters that submitted LOST Rockin Moments! This episode was first released on December 22nd of 2009. Find all back episodes released (to date) at mp3

KTLRL027: Ben Linus Part 1

You get crazy talk from Matt, Leslie's tolerance of Matt's craziness, and a Giacchino Moment (at 1:01:20) in this first look at the character of Ben Linus. This episode was originally released on December 17th of 2009. Find all of the re-released episodes (to date) at mp3

KTLRL026: Sawyer Part 2

Matt and Leslie wrap up their Sawyer discussion. The Giacchino Moment can be found at 21:09. This episode was originally released on December 8th of 2009. Find all of the re-released episodes (to date) at mp3

KTLRL025: Sawyer Part 1

Matt and Leslie painfully realize that they don't crack wise or give nicknames as well as Sawyer does in the first part of a look at everyone's favorite confidence man. This episode was first released on December 1st of 2009. Find all of the re-released episodes (to date) at mp3

KTLRL022: Way Back to Talkshoe Live 01

Going way back to May 30th of 2009, this is one of the first Talk-shoe live podcasts done on the original feed. Special guests include Anna in Indiana from Jacob's Cabin, Donald (is LOST), the JD Man, and more! Find all of the re-released episodes (to date) at mp3